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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Egg Noodles

Serves 2

(Easily doubled, tripled, quadrupled etc. for larger group.)

1 egg
2 Tbsp. milk
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup flour

Beat together egg, milk, and salt. Make a well with the flour in the bottom of a mixing bowl. Pour egg mixture into the well. Fold in the flour and mix to form a soft ball of dough. Flour cutting board liberally. Roll out the dough to desired thickness. Flour top side of dough. Using sharp knife or pizza cutter cut strips of dough to desired width and length. Allow to dry out for about 20 minutes. Gently transfer to meat broth (chicken broth for chicken & noodles or beef broth for beef & noodles). To increase amount of noodles: Basically figure 1 recipe per 2 people.

My thoughts: These freeze well. To freeze allow noodles to dry for half and hour or so. Then transfer to a cookie sheet and freeze noodles solid. Then transfer frozen noodles to a freezer bag and use within a month or two. If you use farm-fresh eggs the natural color of these homemade noodles is so appealing...not to mention the taste!

Serve it with: Boiled chicken and broth or left over roast beef and broth and don't forget the mashed potatoes!

Shared with me by: My Mama. Her chicken and noodles are requested for almost every family dinner.